
Website as a gift

Everyone is familiar with the situation when a loved one's anniversary approaches, and all necessary and useful gifts have already been given. How to surprise the birthday person? Give them a...

Website development

The longevity of a site’s life

When ordering a new website, every client surely wonders: "How long will the website last?" Theoretically, a website will exist as long as it is online and its owner pays for hosting and the...

Site maintenance

Secrets of an effective banner

A banner is a graphic-text message with advertising or informational content, displayed on a website page. Unlike banners in newspapers and magazines, a banner on the internet has a hyperlink to...


Targeted advertising. Is it possible to do without it?

The answer to this question lies in dispelling the main myth about traffic in social networks. This myth goes as follows: there’s no need to pay the platform for advertising; potential leads can be...

Chat-bots in VK. Saving your time, nerves and money

A number of businesses are intimidated by social media, due to the need to sit online 24 by 7 and answer questions from potential customers. Modern technology for creating chatbots removes this...

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