
Target audience and website design

Visitors to websites can be roughly divided into several groups.

Pioneers (innovators) belong to a small (5%) and advanced group that quickly absorbs information and keeps up with new technologies. They constantly upgrade their computers, install the latest software, and generally have high-speed internet. Members of this group enjoy avant-garde website design, which incorporates all existing innovations. Usually, these are dynamically managed websites using flash animation. Such websites place high demands on computer specifications and communication lines. Users with older generation computers will not be able to view avant-garde style websites. Avant-garde website design is liked by some, while it can irritate others. On websites with specific themes, the use of avant-garde style may be simply inappropriate. For instance, using an avant-garde style in the design of an online store can lead to a sharp decline in profits. It will surprise visitors, make a lasting impression, but distract buyers from the products offered on the site.

70% of website visitors make up the main group, which quite frequently purchases goods and services online. They are guided by necessity and financial feasibility when choosing computers and software. Representatives of the main group prefer a strict and consistent classic website design. The web page typically has a columnar structure. It must include a “header” with the company name, logo, and slogan. The design uses a limited amount of graphics, and animation is either absent or minimized. The website features user-friendly and clear navigation. The color scheme is usually neutral. The classic style embodies reliability and stability and is therefore used for corporate websites of both large and small companies. All business websites are oriented towards the main group of visitors.

Users with outdated computers and software prefer text-based website design with minimal graphic use. The foundation is primarily text. Such websites have high loading speeds and are compatible with various browsers. Text-based design suits serious and responsible websites, such as scientific ones. However, it is quite challenging to create an attractive website design without using graphic design.

However, it is quite challenging to create an attractive website design without using graphic design.

When creating a website, it is also important to consider the age of the target audience. The younger the intended visitors of the site, the brighter and more vibrant the design should be. Various special effects, funny illustrations, and other “gadgets” will only attract a young target audience.

If the site is aimed at older individuals, it’s better to avoid bright colors and special effects, as age-related changes in the visual analyzer lead to changes in color perception and the associations evoked by colors.

The predominance of female or male visitors should also be taken into account when developing the website design. It has been proven that women and men perceive colors differently. Men prefer blue, while women favor red. Among yellow and orange, men tend to choose yellow, and women prefer orange.

If it’s challenging to precisely determine the target audience of the website, it’s best to opt for a neutral design. A simple neutral design will suit visitors of various age groups, genders, social statuses, and education levels.

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