
Let’s start working together

Sometimes, carefully crafted plans do not come to fruition and remain just plans. The main reason for this is the human factor, as there are people between the intended and the executed. When creating a website, the success of the project depends on the balance between two forces, the client and the performer. A good product is born only in complete harmony, without deadline disruptions, endless revisions, and games with shapes and fonts.

Algorithm for communication between the client and the performer:
1) task formulation;
2) supervision of task execution;
3) task execution.

Task Formulation is the key to the success of any job. If the task is not clearly defined, it is impossible to even understand whether it has been solved. The client carries out the task formulation.
When formulating tasks, it is necessary to think about what you want to achieve by creating a website, what functions it should perform, and how many clients it should attract. Determine the theme and target audience. Decide what the website should be in terms of volume. This is very important! Answers to these questions help the client understand what they want and whether they are ready for the project. Look online to see which websites you like and which ones you don’t. Your preferences can greatly help the performer create a project that you will like. Remember, a website is a dynamic entity. It evolves, is updated, and is modernized. It is necessary to inform the performer how the website will develop in the next two years. Development prospects are laid out in the project at the website creation stage so that adding information later can be done without compromising design. Do not change the task formulation during the development process. This can lead to the creation of a different website with different goals.
After formulating and setting the task, a technical assignment (TA) is created and agreed upon, which is signed by both parties. Subsequently, all actions will be linked to the points of the TA and will fully correspond to them. A well-thought-out technical assignment is a guarantee that no project refinements will be needed at the final stage. This needs to be considered in advance.

Monitoring Task Execution

Every client has the sacred right not to delve into what they are ordering. However, the alliance between the client and the performer will be more productive if the client appoints a responsible employee in their organization and introduces them to the web designer. The responsible employee should be able to respond promptly to the website developer’s questions and provide the necessary information.

Task Execution is carried out by the performer, who should:
1) listen carefully to the client and help them articulate their thoughts more clearly;

2) present a work schedule and guarantee deadlines for order execution;
3) confirm each email from the client. If the performer does not reply to an email, it is unclear whether they are working or have left the project.

The performer should not keep the client in blissful ignorance. It is necessary to demonstrate certain stages of work. Human psychology dictates that the client always worries about their future website; they find it interesting and want to participate in the process.

Preventing Conflicts

You will agree that conflict situations arise very often in our lives. The main role in the emergence of conflicts is played by conflict agents. Conflict agents are words or actions (or inaction) that can lead to a conflict. The danger lies in the fact that they do not always lead to conflict. For example, one person may react negatively to another’s impolite address, while another may not take it seriously. This happens often outside the participants’ wishes due to the peculiarities of our psychology.
The insidiousness of conflict agents is explained by the fact that we are more sensitive to the words of others than to what we say ourselves. This sensitivity towards words directed at us arises from the desire to protect ourselves from possible encroachments. Unfortunately, we are constructed rather imperfectly: we react painfully to insults and offenses, showing counter-aggression. But we are not as vigilant when it comes to the dignity of others, which is why we do not pay as much attention to our words and actions.
Any conflict has a certain pattern of development – escalation and intensification. In response to a conflict agent directed at us, we try to reply with a stronger conflict agent, often the strongest among all possibilities. It is difficult to resist the temptation to teach the offender a lesson, so that they do not dare to act like this again. The desire to feel safe and to protect one’s dignity is one of the basic human needs; hence, an encroachment on it is perceived extremely painfully. As a result, the conflict rapidly escalates.

How to Avoid Conflict?
1) Do not use words that provoke conflict.
2) Do not respond to a conflict agent with another conflict agent. If you do not stop in time, it will later be practically impossible to do so! The strength of the conflict escalates rapidly.
3) Show sympathy to your interlocutor. Put yourself in their shoes and feel their feelings: would you be offended to hear such things? Lift the person’s spirits: smile, give a compliment, show respectful attitude. Benevolent gestures set the tone for comfortable, conflict-free communication; therefore, a person who offers such gestures becomes a desirable interlocutor.

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