
Corporate Identity

One of the most relevant and modern types of advertising is corporate identity.
It is the foundation of the company’s communication policy, a means of competing for the customer, and an important component of branding.

Corporate identity includes a set of graphic, color, and verbal elements that ensure semantic and visual unity of the product or service, the company’s external and internal design, as well as the informational content.

Functions of Corporate Identity

Image Function. Corporate identity helps to form a memorable, attractive, and original image of the company, which later contributes to enhancing its prestige and reputation. Positive perception of the manufacturer transfers to the products. Most consumers believe that the quality of products with a well-known brand is significantly higher than those from unknown manufacturers.

Identification Function. Corporate identity unites products, advertising, and the manufacturer, indicating their common origin.

Differentiation Function. Corporate identity distinguishes the products and advertising of a particular company from a vast number of similar products and helps the buyer navigate the endless stream of goods and advertisements, simplifying the selection process.

Advertising Function. The use of corporate identity in various forms of advertising campaigns makes the advertising more coherent. Consumers are more likely to pay attention to a familiar logo, colors, fonts, and highlight a specific advertisement from the overall information noise.

Elements of Corporate Identity

Trademark. Used for product identification. It may be a graphical, verbal, three-dimensional, or sound designation or their combinations.

Logo – is a verbal trademark in a unique graphic design. The logo can reflect the full or abbreviated name of the company, the name of a product group, or a specific product.

Company Emblem – is a graphic trademark that represents an original drawing of objects, living beings, abstract images, or symbols.

Three-dimensional Trademark is created in the form of a three-dimensional object or figure.

Sound Trademark – corporate melodies, noises, or sounds.

Corporate Block. This is a combination of several elements of corporate identity, most often an emblem and a logo. Some companies include the full name, details, a list of products or services, complementing them with various graphic decorative elements or a promotional character in the corporate block. The corporate block can be used for designing the company’s business documentation and product packaging.

Corporate Color Palette. The corporate color carries specific information and reflects the idea of corporate identity, evoking particular associations with the company’s activity. When choosing a color palette for corporate identity, it is important to consider the emotional impact and associations related to specific colors.

Corporate Font Set. The fonts used in the corporate identity should align with the specificity of the company’s activities and emphasize the brand’s image characteristics.

An element of corporate identity can also be a mascot, which is a permanent image used in communications with potential buyers.

Corporate Identity: New Trends

Today, due to the changes occurring in our society, the development of the Internet, mobile communications, and social networks, there has been a change in the methods and forms of communication between manufacturers and consumers. Communication and information retrieval have become simple and accessible. Any channel of communication is filled with advertising messages. Increasing competition makes corporate identity increasingly relevant in the struggle for profit.

With the development of digital technologies, standards of quality and requirements for corporate identity have significantly risen. Considering that the Internet is now one of the main channels of communication, many beautiful and modern corporate identities specifically for the Internet have emerged. In striving to differentiate the brand, branding agencies are finding new artistic forms and methods for creating corporate identity.

People quickly remember something unusual, something that caused them surprise or positive emotions, therefore, new artistic forms (mosaic, photo filling, cubism, pixels) have started to be used in creating corporate identity.

Modern Corporate Identity is not always created based on a logo. There are countless logos, and coming up with something new is very challenging. Nowadays, increasingly, the foundation of corporate identity serves as a visual system, expressed through illustration/font style or artistic methods, with the logo embedded in this environment.

Many companies conduct their business exclusively online, so interactive logos have increasingly emerged, more understandable and user-friendly, providing greater opportunities to achieve visual differentiation and brand memorability.

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