
Color for the site

The symbolic meaning of colors has been formed over many centuries. Color can attract and repel, excite or disturb, instill a sense of calm and comfort. Properly selected colors can make your site incredibly popular or ruin it. Color is an indirect approach to marketing and information promotion. It helps create a stable associative series and reveal the theme of the site.
Features of color selection for web projects:
1) The color scheme should match the theme of the resource.
2) It is recommended to use no more than three colors. The primary color is used for most of the graphic design. The second is used as a complement to enhance the site’s attractiveness. The third tone is necessary to highlight important elements. A larger number of tones complicates information retrieval and quickly tires the visitor.
3) Light tones are more attractive than dark ones.
4) When selecting colors, the font must also be taken into account. It should harmonize with other visual components of the site and differ from the background color.

What background color to choose so that the visitor stays on the site?

Human relations to color have been and continue to be emotional. Color not only evokes the corresponding reaction depending on the emotional state but also forms emotions in a certain way, so the color scheme should support the mood of the user that corresponds to the overall perception of the site.
White, light blue, beige colors evoke a sense of harmony and calmness, and therefore can be used for any projects.
Gray represents neutrality and indifference. It is used on informational portals and social sites.
Red is associated with strength, activity, and dynamism, provoking heightened emotional reactions. It is the color of victory and a leader in advertising. This color is effective in advertising and entertainment projects, and can also be applied to a site dedicated to extreme sports. In other cases, it is better to use this color to draw the visitor’s attention to some object on your site (headlines, menu items). Red is the color of danger. Excessive use causes irritation and aggression, heightens the sense of risk, and undermines trust.
Orange symbolizes warmth and fun, improves mood, and stimulates communication. Children love this color. It is used for children’s, youth, and social projects. A website designed in orange tones will look very bright and stylish. Orange is considered the color of health and creativity, thus it is used on sites related to health, sports, and creativity. It has the ability to attract attention and is often seen in advertising, especially for food products. It should be remembered that in large amounts, orange can be tiring.
Yellow is the color of joy and happiness, stimulating mental activity. It creates warmth and coziness. In its pure form, yellow can bring excessive brightness to the website design, so it is rarely used. Soft tones of this color are suitable for sites of children’s institutions, parks, stores, computer-oriented sites, and design studios. The various shades of yellow can often be seen on travel company websites. Yellow is associated with the sun, sand, and constant movement. A legal firm’s website should preferably not be made in yellow tones, as an additional meaning of yellow is cowardice and betrayal.

Blue symbolizes peace, tranquility, and tenderness. This color conveys a sense of trust and security to visitors and does not irritate the eyes, which is why it is so popular in design. Any shade of blue is perfect for informational, educational, financial, and legal sites. Dark shades can be used in sports and political projects. Light shades (light blue symbolizes the sky, air, water, and purity) are great for health and leisure sites. Do not overdo it with blue; its excess can negatively affect the site’s attractiveness, creating a sense of oppression and melancholy in visitors.
Green is the color of life. It symbolizes harmony, nature, freshness, health, and nutrition. Green is also associated with money.
Dark green is associated with money and power. It is used on corporate websites and those in the financial sphere.
Light green is suitable for nature-related sites. Grayish-green (the color of sea waves) is used in projects related to art. Yellow-green is associated with nausea and illness, so it is often used for medical sites. Light green-blue can be considered the color of hygienic sterility. It is also suitable for medical-themed sites. Olive symbolizes reconciliation. It is a very pleasant shade of green. It does not cause irritation during prolonged viewing, which is why it is used in the design of entertainment centers’ websites.
Be cautious; despite green’s ability to relieve stress and calm emotions, it can also evoke feelings of resentment and envy.
Purple represents solemnity, dreaminess, mystery, and melancholy. This color is loved by mystics, creative individuals, children, and pregnant women. Its use is possible on websites related to magic and astrology. Dark purple provides a sense of wealth and luxury, making it suitable for creative projects. Purple and pink are typical colors for women’s websites.
Brown is associated with earth, wood, and stone. It symbolizes responsibility, reliability, and stability. It gives a sense of “softness” and security to your site. A brown background looks good on websites advertising chocolate, coffee, wooden, and leather products. Brown is also associated with old age, so it can be used on resources dedicated to history, archaeology, and antiques.

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